And guess what....I got a $2.00 on you next order coupon - so net this cost is -.41 cents. I shopped at Tom Thumb and utilized the mix and match sale and coupons I had on hand. Now that is some good shopping! So I wanted to tell you about my grocery challenge for the rest of the year. As of mid-March I decided that I was going (to try really hard) to spend $1,000 for the remainder of the year on groceries. Groceries for me includes food, beauty items, pet food, over the counter medicine and kid supplies like pull-ups. Would you cheer me along? I will keep you updated. Any rebates I get go back into the grocery money I can grow my money a bit there. How are you doing on grocery shopping? I love this blog run by Erin who is feeding her family of four for just $800 a year. She is a coupon is the linky: Jane4Girls. Hope you are having a great day.
Happy Valentine's Day
1 week ago