Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Why I Heart CVS

Look at all the goodies I got at CVS for just $13.46. Yes you read that correctly. There is a bottle of drain cleaner that is not shown that ate up $3.99 of that total! Here it the best part - I earned another $8.98 in Extra Care Dollars to use on my next visit and that little igloo cooler (was only $3.75) and came with coupons and a free subscription to Field and Stream magazine. Oodles of cool - I tell ya.
How did I get my total so low? I used CVS Coupons, Extra Care Dollars earned on previous shopping trips) and Manufacture Coupons. A little planning goes a LONG way my friends. If you have not gone - check out your CVS summer clearance - they had lots of goodies as evidenced by the picture above!
Have a great day!

1 comment:

crayonmommy said...

you are the funniest girl. :) My co worker and i enjoy reading your blog everyday during our conference. I especially like the pictures of everything. :)